Here is a list of some of the courses we offer. If you require something outwith what is listed below, please get in touch and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Showing all 5 results
Dismantling And Re-erecting of Memorials to BS8415 Standard
This is a comprehensive two day course which covers, personal safety, equipment safety, manual handling, the construction of memorials, dismantling and re-fixing of memorials. The course features both theory and practical guidance.
Erecting/Fixing Memorials to BS8415 Standards Including S/NVQ Qualification
A one day course which demonstrates and prepares candidates for the QCF194 (SQA Unit Code HA1J 04) Fix and secure memorial masonry award assessment.
Manual Handling and Lifting Memorials Using Gantry
Memorial Foundations & Fixings
A comprehensive course which demonstrates the types of memorial foundation available today.
Safety Inspection and Assessment of Burial Ground Memorials
A 1 day course which has been developed around the Ministry of Justice Guidelines “Managing the Safety of Burial Ground Memorials”and the Scottish Government’s “Burial Ground Memorial Safety Guidance for Scotland Local Authorities. (July 2019).” Leading to the SQA J1N8-45 Manage and Maintain Cemetery and Burial Ground Memorials Award.